Thursday, 25 January 2018

Hey You!

What happens in my mind? A lot!!! I wonder how can a tiny brain conceive so many thoughts and they run parallelly.. Vow.. Weird! So my experiment on 'Out of sight is Out of mind' with a certain person has failed miserably. While its true in some cases, its not true in case of people that touch you in a intense way.

Let me imagine that I'm writing this to him. of course, I can only do this now as I never spoke to him.. yeah ever! Well, to you I write..

Have you ever wondered that there is someone who admires you because you exist? This thought might have never occured to you but its true! I saw you few years back and thats it. I just saw you and really... I know nothing about you. I dont have any clue as to what kind of a person you are, what your likes and dislikes are, what you value, what you hate, how you react and respond.. Nothing! Yet I think about you because I saw you and I have a connection to you. I tried hard to understand and put my finger on it but I never could.

I'm actually ok not seeing you though I secretly hope to stumble upon you sometime. Would you remember me? Probably not because I'm nothing to you.. perhaps I've never existed for you. We did exchange looks here and there but I couldnt hope you felt the same connection.. wishful thinking!
After all these years of not seeing you and knowing that I may never see you or chance even an encounter with you.. its weird how I keep thinking about you.

But you know what.. I now have some courage. It may not be an awkward encounter for me anymore I hope. I would actually like to meet you and know more about why I feel the way I feel when it comes to you. Why is it that I cant get you out of my mind. Its not that you're constantly on my mind, that place is already filled by someone but you're there.. on and off.. why are you there is the question? who are you to me and what is our connection? I met so many people, I've seen so many people and why you have to be the one to have such a deep impression on my mind? I have so many questions. I assume you must think I'm super wierd if I ever met you and asked these questions... I dont exist to you.

If I ever get a chance to meet with you and strike a conversation.. I would really like to know you. I have been living with these questions for quite a while now.. it would be nice to get some answers and explore this connection. I believe everything happens for a reason and if I feel this strongly for you then you are connected to me at some level. I call out to universe to make this happen!

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