Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Mythology... and my thoughts!!

Its amazing to know there are so many varied version of evolution of civilizations... Every civilization tends to proclaim its the oldest one. We indians are no less.. We say Indus Valley Civilization is the most ancient one. Its surprising how all the "so called ancient civilizations" have evolved near about the same time...

I have started reading the book called "The Krishna Key" by Ashwin Sanghi. Its a fiction based on Mahabharata and the recent findings that are out to prove that Dwaparayuga and the happenings are just not fictitious. There is a phrase which says...

"Lack of evidence does not mean lack of existence "

To the modern man this does not hold true always. We need evidence to know if something has really existed. I know many of us are interested to know if our spiritual history (the epics like Ramayana & Mahabharata) has existed or it is only confined to scriptures found.... Now the question is how do we know?

1. Through the scribes and the scriptures ( We dont have the time to invest on reading history)
2. Any remains of the history.... (we have scarcely found any...and of the found evidences, thanks to the scientists for denying any spiritual backgrounds to them eg: Ramasethu..the bridge between India - Srilanka called Adam's Bridge)
3. Waiting for someone to research on it (too many researches, too many hypotheses, result? "Ambiguity")

I feel that its time we tried taking sometime out to read our ancient scriptures and try knowing it for ourselves. Its difficult and ofcourse there's nothing you would gain out of it. But its for that interest's sake. Its for the satisfaction and true devotion to God, next time your join your hands in prayer.

More on this to follow in my next posts... signing off for now!!

Shweta Momula

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